Connecting on a human level.

Welcome to my blog, Writerly Connections.

It has been a life-long aspiration of mine to connect with people through my writing. When we write with an authentic voice, we can create a connection with people that goes beyond words on a page. Words can inspire, comfort, and challenge us to see the world from a different angle.

I draw inspiration from my personal experiences and the works of other writers.

The idea for this blog came to me after a significant shift in my life. I found myself faced with a crucial decision to make: continue on the familiar path with a predictable future, living someone else’s life, or choose the unfamiliar path with an unknown future, living my intended life. Although the right decision may seem obvious, I had found myself at a crossroads a few years prior with the same decision to make, and I had chosen the familiar path. In retrospect, both paths led me away from a life that I needed to leave behind. The scenic route allowed me time to gain the courage to relinquish what no longer nourished my soul, and this same courage gave me the strength to choose the unfamiliar path.

To live my intended life, I had to give into my aspirations as a writer, which I regrettably neglected most of my adult life. This was primarily due to a lack of inspiration, energy, and time, but self-doubt and fear also played a role. It was the power of writerly connections and our capacity to relate to one another that reignited my inspiration and reminded me that words and ideas matter.

To learn more about how it started, read my initial post “The Joy (and Fear) of Starting Over.”


  • Remembering When

    Remembering When

    Do you consider yourself a nostalgic person? How does nostalgia manifest for you? What memories or experiences evoke a sense of nostalgia? When the term nostalgia was coined in the year 1688, it took the form of a medical diagnosis. I admit that I did not know this before I delved into the book On…

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  • Embracing the Power of No in a Yes World

    Embracing the Power of No in a Yes World

    At some point in our lives, we have all found ourselves in situations where we agree to something, only to regret it instantly. Whether it is overcommitting ourselves in our professional or personal lives or agreeing to something that doesn’t align with our priorities, saying yes has become a reflex response for many of us…

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  • Finding What Matters Amid Distractions

    Finding What Matters Amid Distractions

    Have you ever considered whether you are using your time and resources on things that matter most to you? The book Things That Matter by Joshua Becker prompted me to ponder about whether I am utilizing my time and resources efficiently on things that hold significance to me. In preparation for writing Things That Matter,…

    CONTINUE READING: Finding What Matters Amid Distractions

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